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Outsourced Marketing department services for Phuoc Thanh Ginseng project

Customer Sam Phuoc Thanh has experienced a successful business journey with effective support from Digimat's outsourced marketing department service. A team of dedicated experts with a deep understanding of the market has created a unique advertising strategy that accurately meets the needs and characteristics of the business. The process of working with Digimat is not only about outsourcing a team of experts, but also about close cooperation and companionship throughout the strategy implementation process. Creativity and flexibility in campaign adjustments have helped Sam Phuoc Thanh attract a large number of new customers and increase online interaction.

Outsourced Marketing department services for Phuoc Thanh Ginseng project
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Introducing Customers

KGC Cheong Kwan Jang is a world-renowned and exclusive ginseng brand of Korea Ginseng Corporation (KGC), tightly regulated and quality-assured by the South Korean government. As the main importer partner of KGC Cheong Kwan Jang, Sam Yen Phuoc Thanh consistently provides complete trust and peace of mind for customers using its products.

Current customer status



Website has been built and has information about the brand's products. However, it is necessary to take steps to upgrade and manage quality to achieve a higher level of perfection.



Empty channel, no channel established yet



Established a fanpage with 3.9k followers. However, channel care articles do not have much interaction

Desired Goal

Desire Goal

For Fanpage

– Optimize information on Fanpage: Ensure all information about the store is fully and accurately updated, from address, phone number, working hours, to detailed descriptions of services and products. Products.
– Increase interaction with 500 likes for Fanpage: Create interest and increase customer interaction with the store’s Fanpage.
– Give away 10 5-star reviews for Fanpage: Encourage customers to share their experiences with the store to create prestige and trust for potential customers.
– Create 12 content articles monthly

For Youtube channel

– Convey the value and benefits of Cheong Kwan Jang red ginseng to the audience.
– Build interaction with the community that loves and uses red ginseng.
– Create a platform to promote products, brands and information about Cheong Kwan Jang.
– Create 12 content articles monthly

For website

– Update functions and components of the website
– Optimize website SEO
– Fix some technical errors of the website



The website is still quite new, and many products are not yet available on its shelves.


Conduct targeted research, create engaging videos to boost interaction, and aim precisely at your target audience.


The customer needs the project urgently, so the team must focus on accelerating the progress.

DIGIMAT’S Solution

To overcome difficulties during project implementation, the team of experts at Digimat has been assigned to each specific task. Meetings are held to develop detailed plans for each part of the project. Team members all focus their best and strictly follow the proposed roadmap, deployed in each phase. By tracking progress and reporting regularly, ensure that the client is always updated on the project’s progress and satisfied with the final result.


The project is in progress. In the first month Digimat completed the following tasks:

– Wrote and optimized 30 SEO articles to help add more information to the website

– Create 100 social profile backlinks/month to increase website awareness

– Complete content for product pages of the website

Client Project Img
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Outsourced Marketing department services for Phuoc Thanh Ginseng project
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What They're Saying?

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Thank you Digimat and team for your dedicated support. Your company's website is better known and has more customers. Wishing Digimat every success

Phan Anh Duy

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What They're Saying 2?

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Thank you Digimat and team for your dedicated support. Your company's website is better known and has more customers. Wishing Digimat every success

Phan Anh Duy 2

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